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The key to great achievement is productivity,  the most misunderstood requirement for success...

It is impossible to reach any goal without being productive. Productivity is the common denominator among all successful endeavors.  If you are serious about the success of your goals, then master productivity across each of its cornerstones: project, produce, progress, and prepare.

What is your goal?


  • Start a business

  • Increase sales for a business

  • Become physically fit

  • Achieve a degree or rank

  • Become a subject expert

  • Write and publish music

  • Run a marathon

  • Lose weight

  • Master a skill

  • Write a book

Whatever your goal, if you aren’t productive, you will struggle to succeed.  This fact requires those who are serious about their success to understand what being productive actually means and requires.

Productivity is concerned with everything that is relevant to your plan, preparation, and pursuit of success.

Learn How to Apply the 4
Cornerstones of Productivity

Don’t take unnecessary chances with your success.

Ensure your success; learn how to actually be productive.


of 4

Project (Plan)

Fact:  a top cause of failed goals is the lack of planning.


If the success of your goal is important to you, learn how to plan your success.  Knowing what you want to achieve does not mean that you know how to achieve. Sure, you have an idea of what’s involved with reaching your goal, but that level of knowledge may be far from sufficient to aptly prepare you for the requirements and challenges that you could face.  Additionally, knowing how to succeed and knowing how not to fail are distinctly different.  A well-designed plan will account for all aspects of your pursuit of success. The bottom line is: learn how to plan, if your goal matters to you.

INTEND:  Step 1 of 5



We're not aimless; we act with intention.  Most of us believe that we know what we want.  The issue here is not clarity about what we intend, but, rather, clarity about the requirements to achieve what we intend, be it a personal or professional goal.  Being clear about what we intend involves knowing what resources are essential for our success, how we could fail, and accurate awareness about our starting point – where we stand today.  Are you clear about how you'll succeed in your endeavors?

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