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Reliable sales success starts with what you know.
Yes! It's that simple. So, start learning!
The Steps to Your Sales Success
Would you agree that there's a difference between having a goal—such as: achieve reliable sales success!—and knowing how to achieve its success? And, with regard your sales goal, would agree that knowing how to achieve a goal is as important as knowing how to sell? Of course!
Let's suppose that you have nothing to learn about how to sell. Let's also suppose you know how to achieve the success you want (you have a plan for your success). You would still fail to achieve reliable sales success, if your actions didn't meet the requirements of your plan.
So, the steps to reliable sales success are: (1) acquire accurate and updated knowledge about how to sell your product or service; (2) acquire knowledge about how to achieve reliable sales success; and (3) apply sufficient actions that yield targeted results.
Ready to learn? Scroll down on this page for support options.
About You
Next Steps
Regardless of what you know about sales, this fact remains: if you want to improve your sales, the starting point is to learn what improvement requires from you. You'll then want to ensure your ability to meet those requirements!
Your next step, then, is to test your knowledge about sales and how to achieve goals: read Success in Sales.
What You Need to Know
Sales Knowledge
Reliable sales success requires basic sales knowledge (regardless of who you are or how you sell), which includes knowledge of:
Market & Prospects
Sales strategy
Sales process
Engagement (+ required skills)
Process management
Once you know your subject (sales), you're ready to plan your success with knowledge about how to achieve a goal. There are five essential areas (I.D.E.A.L.):
Intend (your goal)
Direct (the steps to success)
Engage (actual productivity)
Assess (confirmation of progress)
Learn (ability to correct/improve)
The Course!
Take the essential course for sales knowledge! High-Impact Sales Improvement is based on the book by The Sales Success. Get up to speed on need-to-know sales knowledge, so that you are prepared to make your best effort to achieve your sales goals—faster.
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