Learn how to apply IDEAL, the most natural process for our development and the achievement of ambitious goals ("success").


Clarify what you want.
Set an actionable goal.
In·tend (verb): to have a course of action for one's objective; plan.
Whatever you wish to improve, achieve, or become in your personal life or for your business, your starting point is to know where you stand today and clarify your course to success - your goal.
Having a specific goal is not sufficient. Your goal must be actionable, so that you can plan appropriately for progress.
Set an actionable goal by covering the four bases of goal setting: What; How; Why, and Why-not (how you could fail. If you do not know how you could fail, then you cannot be fully prepared to succeed).
Get support setting an actionable goal. Take the Achieve course, or schedule a consultation with Steven.


Chart your course to success.
Have a complete process.
Di·rect (verb): to manage the organization and preparation of; construct
Are you on the course that will yield success? How do you know? Most people overlook steps in their course to success. Make your best effort to succeed, plan completely.
Having a goal does not mean that you know how to achieve its success. If you misjudge your start point or what success will require from you, your efforts to succeed could fail.
Plan completely by thinking through the primary steps of your goal. Next, think through all of the activities that support your ability to be productive with your primary steps. Here, you'll address everything related to your ability to make progress, which could involve motivation, preparation, development of knowledge, use of resources, materials, time, inventory (depending on the goal), etc.
Are you sure about what your goal requires and how to support its success? If not, consider a consultation session with Steven.


Define productivity.
Deliver what your goal requires.
Engage (verb): to pursue, take on an activity; endeavor
Productivity is the most misunderstood requirement for success. Productivity is not about busyness; it's about results that are required by a goal—results that lead to success. Understand what productivity means—specifically—relative to your goal.
Productivity is goal-specific. If your actions are not productive, your goal will be in jeopardy of failure.
Know what your goal requires of you and be able to deliver on those requirements. Develop the knowledge and skills essential to your plan and efforts. Think through RAS considerations (requirements, agents [things other than requirements upon which your success depends], and safeguards). Also, use productivity strategies that aid motivation and focus.
Your ability to be productive is the key to your success. Learn how to actually be productive. Consider TASKS , take the Achieve course, or schedule a consultation with Steven.


Confirm your progress.
Know what is / isn't working
Assess (verb): evaluate or estimate the value, merit, or quality of.
Are you sure that your plan for success and efforts to be productive are working for you? Don't guess when you can have answers about your progress. Understand what you need to know (the data essential to your success) and keep records of your productivity.
Having useful information about your efforts will allow you to know if you are or are not on-track, productive. Without confirmation of, and details about, your efforts, you can only guess about where improvements are needed, which leaves your ability to improve (and succeed) up to chance.
Know what information is essential in order for you to gain insights about your plan, efforts, and support measures. Then, have a means by which to record and organize the various types of information that is important to you.
Support your success with a plan, proper and complete preparation, and guidance. Learn how coaching from Steven could be useful to the success of your personal or business goal. Schedule a free consultation.


Be able to evolve.
Discover and improve.
Learn (verb): to gain knowledge of or understand or skill in by assessment, research, or experience.
If you are off-track in any respect related to your goal, you must be able to identify where corrections are needed. The Learn step makes IDEAL a cyclical process, and empowers you to improve, and build on your successes. Therefore, you must be able and willing to discover and learn from your experiences—your progress and challenges.
Often, plans require revision. If you are unable or unwilling to discover how to improve, you limit your natural ability to progress and succeed.
Ensure your ability to learn. Review information about your efforts and their results. Identify key insights and make decisions about appropriate next steps.
Since there may be alternative perspectives on how to respond to, or apply solutions from, what you learn, it may be important to consider another point of view. When you're ready, Steven is here to support your success. A course or consultation may be helpful.
The key to your potential is IDEAL
IDEAL is the ultimate, inherently intuitive framework for success! IDEAL isn't just a model; it's a dynamic and interconnected process that gives order to our innate characteristics for remarkable achievements. Every day, we embody the traits of IDEAL – acting with intention, making decisions, engaging purposefully, assessing our situations, and continuously learning.
What sets IDEAL apart is its cyclical nature; each iteration builds on discovery and success, just as each day offers us an opportunity to make progress. But here's the game-changer: IDEAL provides the optimal arrangement of these traits into a seamless, step-by-step process, ensuring your best chance at success with what matters most to us. Apply IDEAL to whatever you want to improve, achieve, or become – in your life or for your business. IDEAL, where potential meets process, and success is not just a goal; it's the inevitable realization of your potential.
IDEAL Replaces SMART Goals as the Most Effective Approach to Personal and Business Success


Use IDEAL to
IDEAL is the most natural process for our development and successes.
IDEAL is an acronym for the five characteristics common among all successful goals. What you may not realize is that you naturally express these characteristics! If, however, you don't apply each one deliberately, and as a process, you cannot make your best effort to improve, achieve, and become what is important to you.
Learn how to apply IDEAL to your life of business, because IDEAL applies to you!
It's about the success of what's important to you
Learn a new way to improve, achieve, and become what is important to you—in your life or for your business.
IDEAL is an acronym for the most natural process for our development and the achievements of our personal and business goals.
IDEAL is easy to understand but requires learning to master. Get support from Steven

Discover IDEAL
The new approach to personal and professional productivity and success
Learn how to apply IDEAL to:
Achieve your goals
Build sales for a business
Develop yourself
Lead a team
Improve productivity
Manage a business
Improve your health
Develop / become your best self
Improve relationships
Coach or manage others
Increase productivity
Live deliberately
Become more aware
. . . and much more!
Don’t live on autopilot!
Stay active in telling the story of your life or your business.
Sometimes, we get caught up in routines, lose focus, and stop creating, building, and becoming.
Occasionally, we need to be reminded that we have aspirations, beliefs, desires, and time. So, what do you want to realize in your life or for your business?
Learn more: schedule a free consultation with Steven. Do it for yourself or for your business!

What's Special About IDEAL?
IDEAL is the world's most natural process for our development and the achievement of what's important to us—in our personal lives and for our businesses.
Every day, you express one or more of the five aspects of IDEAL. Learn how to apply IDEAL as a process to be improve, achieve, or become what is important to you.